I took pictures of our first high speed train from Cordoba to Madrid. I wasn't THAT impressed with the trip. There were no speed indicators, but it just didn't seem THAT fast. Plus there were three stops. The ride was incredibly smooth. The only sound was from junctions where there would be a slight click. There was a bit of centrifugal force around curves but it was not like a train ride or anything else.
The train from Madrid to Barcelona was something entirely different. Even before I looked at the speed indicator, which this train DID have, I knew we were hauling. Anything within 20 yards was a blur, and you could not focus on things out to about 60 yards. The top speed was 301 Kmph (about 187 mph I believe) but mostly we cruised about 285. It rocked and clicked like a train should. Non stop Madrid to Barcelona.
The flight back was not as bad as I feared. It was 8.5 hrs Barcelona to JFK a 2.5 layover in a very warm and humid airport, then 6.5 hrs to SFO. All in all we were up for over 24 hours. I did ok until about the last 3 hours when I started to get antsy and counting the minutes. I was greatly helped by watching two movies "Doubt" and "The Wrestler" and by numerous games of 20 question trivia available on the back of the seat in front of me. I had the sixth highest overall score on the first leg, and the highest on the second. There were only 3 questions that I saw again on the 2nd leg and I knew two of them anyway.
Despite being unable to keep my eyes open and doing some head bobbing on the bus home from the airport, once home, I couldn't fall asleep, so I stayed up until about 1:30 am. I've been low energy all day, I'll do something, (shop, mow the lawn etc) then have a laydown.
Our casa en la Fuente Tojar
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