Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a .....CABOOSE?

After weeks of anticipation, the notice went out, The caboose will be flying "early" on Halloween! Those who read carefully, NOT including moi, read further to see that the time was 7am instead of the usual 10am. I arrived "early" at 9, and it was done, the crane was packing up and headed home! (Thank you Gus C for the flying pictures.)

This was a major milestone.

The president of our group is quite ill it turns out, and I was asked to fill a position on the board (not president) for the remainder of the term of several months.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Everyday art

I often walk by this on my morning walk. It's at the far end, and it's all downstream from here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ah Memories

Someone else's facebook entry reminded me that the physical for my first job as a Firefighter was given by a woman doctor. (in the mid '70's)

Like Arlo, I was injected, inspected and detected. When I got home I announced to my future wife, "Good News Bad news dear! I got the job but I think I'm engaged!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Our first real rain in a very long time. We've had 3 years of drought. We're in between pulses right now, heavy rain this am and more on tap for the afternoon. This is unusually heavy for us this time of year, but we'll take it. Also it seems like most of the good storms the last couple of years have been at night. I love watching storms during the day.

This is out the front door

This is out the back door.

The storm brings high winds which are dropping black walnuts onto the corrogated tin roof over our back bedroom. They sound like gunshots.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Truth in blogging

I hear there's a move to require bloggers to reveal when they have received something back when they have promoted something. So I feel I have to reveal that in exchange for talking up the caboose restoration, they have allowed me to strip copious amounts of paint.

I feel a lot of weight off my chest.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Welding on the ole RR

Today was a rare Friday work day to get a head start on some vital stuff. The caboose has three large timbers that run the length of the caboose. Each has a severe crack. As a consequence the caboose has exhibited yoga like tendencies in that you could pick up one end 1.5 feet and the center would not move. SO, several steel beams have been inserted. Today there was a lot of welding to get them doing their job in preparation for the big move when the caboose is moved onto it's trucks.

So besides a brief round of paint stripping, I spent the day as a gofer/fire watch. More welding & fire watching tomorrow. Plus I have a meeting in the morning and a retirement dinner in the evening!

What makes you think I want a subscription to LOL cats??