Our picture taking pattern has always been to take enough pictures the first several days that you could flip them and make a movie. We´ve finally slowed down, but not before filling one 1G memory card and almost another. So this evening it was off to a computer store to buy two 2G cards. That ought to hold the little bastards!
This had me singing ¨We all live in a wooden submarine, a wooden submarine, a wooden submarine...¨

We found a health food store where we bought some gluten free stuff, cookies, oat meal etc so we should be good to go on that score.
We bought tickets for a guitar concert here Saturday night.

We visited a park that was made from a failed housing development designed by...wait for it... Gaudi. I only have one picture because this is where my memory card filled up and we switched to Kathy´s. I don´t have that camera because she is taking a cooking class this evening. This was the only house built, by and for Gaudi. Most of the other parts look like they are from Snow White and the 7 height challenged individuals.
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