For those who need some visual stimulation, here is a picture we took in Giverny in May.

Despite the underwhelming response to previous prank stories, I have saved one of the best for the last.
Once again Capt Randy is the victim. Capt R had a pickup with a lumber rack that had a cracked weld. The bed was filled with pine needles. Engineer Don, a professional welder on his days off, was asked to reweld the joint. He was concerned about the proximity of the weld to the pine needles and asked Capt R to "Keep an eye on it"
It so happened that dinner that night included BBQ done on a charcoal Weber kettle BBQ. After the dinner was put on the table, the Usual Suspect (US) moved the BBQ to a spot behind
Capt R's pickup. He also replaced the nearest garden hose with one that was too short to reach. US then called home to have his wife call the station and say she lived in the apartment bldg behind the fire station, and that a pickup truck was on fire in our parking lot. Of course,
Capt R's seat at the table was closest to the phone. Meanwhile US snuck out and put some pine needles on the still hot BBQ.
Capt R answers the phone, turns beet red and runs out back, grabs the hose, turns it on, and runs toward his "smoking truck". The hose only makes it half way, and when he turns around he sees the crews watching with big smiles on their faces.