Sunday, December 09, 2007

'Tis the season

Today I got to wondering if at this time of year dyslexics are asking themselves "Who's leoN?"

1 comment:

  1. For the last 25 years or so, the small town where Sweets's grandparents live has had this Christmas decoration that they string across an intersection a block from the grandparents' house. It says "NOEL" when you're going west and "LEON" when going east.

    He lived west of his grandparents, so they would drive under this sign every winter and see "LEON," then leave by going to the other end of the block. He didn't see the "NOEL" part for a long time.

    For several years as a child, Sweets didn't understand why they didn't leave it up all year long since his grandparents actually live on Leon Street. He thought it was just a fancy street sign.
